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Algorithms Getting Even After Clash (updating?)| 2/7/17: Clarification required; Links: Non-optimal update due to wrong order?; 

Optimal Action Suggesting Machine| 9/4/17: Nothing yet…

Automation Length| 7/3/17:
Experience| Stefan Sir said (may not be completely same as the original said thought) “If we have an experience, we form an idea from it and then we form more ideas, it becomes inductive”. Is there an automation length an experience provides, i.e. the length for which one can continue to form “ideas” from the had experience? (< 6/3/17)
Think on quantifying the automation length of past people (example: Euler). (7/3/17)
Collection Of Lumps Of “Pending Automation Pattern Work”| 28/2/17: Exploration Notion| If I am seeing a pattern on which an action could be done, if not automated, because of the deficiency not completing all the possible actions formed by the different possibilities of the pattern, and on the other side arrival of new pattern might create lumps of patterned to be automated “pendings”, along with new young patterns. (Clarification required, 28/2/17)
Experience| I now have notion on how thought exploration is happening, i.e. via similarity checking (?); if we can give unique representation for all the acts, is it not possible to have machines perform these exploration via checking for similarity elements? (Clarification required, 28/2/17)  

Narrow/Microscopic Algorithms| 26/2/17:
Experience| I started thinking on the steps for even the choice of proper category for a particular thought. (Clarification required, 26/2/17) 
Elements Of Stuck Conformation| 24/2/17: Nothing yet… 
Creation/Evolution Of Algorithm| 20/2/17: Think on refining the past recorded (how do you record it? think for a system to do that) procedure to create optimal algorithms. (22/2/17) 
If same conformations are made often, record them and see the optimal ones. Speech recognition systems seems to be using this same principle. (28/2/17) 
Constructing The Algorithmic Behavior| 26/1/17: Think on recording actions and polishing them in successive iterations. (26/1/17)   
[Gen] Slow Relaxed Complete Coverage| 12/2/17: Expected Exploration| As you did before on asking every question on the given data to test its stability, get into depth of every such domain if found. (Clarification required, 16/2/17) 
Slow Motion Observation| 17/2/17: Explore on creating a slow motion view to explore on every part of the view. Clarification required, (27/2/17)
[Gen] Better Algorithmic Path| 12/2/17: What if books are providing better automated path to achieve the target than the way you have chosen or thinking to go through? And won’t the books automated ways have evolved procedure than your algorithm? Should I check my algorithm with the evolved structures? (12/2/17/p4)  
Shouldn’t I build my own path and then compare it with the book path? Is it not better to improve this path with several such comparisons? (12/2/17)
Alien Automation Vs. Self Automation| 15/1/17: Experience (E)| Books seem to give pre-constructed data, with no control given for the user to have expected customized data. College seems to be also a pre-programmed process, where I need to go through the process without any customization available to me. (15/1/17)
Links: Exploratory way as an alien automation; Need as self automation? (24/2/17/p3) > Principles
Principles Of Physical Body Action/Dance| 18/1/17: Exploration Notion (EN)| As there are principles or conformations often used as giving a the determined outcome, think on such principles in physical body action/dance. (18/1/17)
All Consequences Known Optimal Action| 17/1/17: Exploration Notion| While playing Chess and Go, I have carried certain algorithms to see on whether my action is causing any trouble to my pieces; depending on what one wants to preserve, it seems that we can check its preservation with each movement. (< 17/1/17) 
Why was I not able to see my outdated conformations in my PUC college? (15/1/17) 
Measurement View | < 13/1/17: Nothing yet...
Freezing The Intensity For Incremental Development And Best Conformation | 13/1/17: Nothing yet... 
All View Optimized Action | 13/1/17: Nothing yet... 
Fixing The Stable View | 13/1/17: Experience (E) | I hadn't taken and haven't now, taken decision on what I should do with the automated experience (which I feel to be transitionalーrequires more experience on the pre-stages) given to me in the college, but I am always thrown into action without my decision being complete. Without having the proper decision, I fail to act optimally. (14/1/17) 
When we haven't taken the decision, would it be optimal to use the best known state when we get into action? (14/1/17)  
Problematic Field | 13/17: Experiences (E) | Here people with different range of tough algorithm can be considered as one of the field. (14/1/17) 
Thoughts (T) | If I get a particular experience, where there is a problem, and if I am not able to identify it, it might get dissolved in me, this might cause me face difficulty (as like one studies concepts without understanding them?). If I start from the field having not many problematic elements, then in the evolutionary steps, I may become able to find all the problems in the tougher fields. (14/1/17)  
Should I first enter the problematic field (where the best evolved experience is not automated for the user)? (13/1/17)  
Try using robot as an exploratory for seeing the evolution of what you think to be human's transitional skills.   
Should I try making other person explore on other possibilities affecting his stand? It seems better to be cool when he/she makes an argument.
[Gen] Decremental Consequences Of Not Taking Action Due To Incomplete Thinking| 15/1/17: If there are decremental consequences of not taking action, which would be the best move to make at those cases? (B11P157, 15/1/17)
Unreasoned or Incomplete reasoning Moves: [Experience: Now I am collided with reading college portions without giving reasoning for doing it in a satisfactory way; as I see some concepts need to be read from origins, which is not done in college, here I am forced to make a move about which I haven't given a proper reasoning] We don't seem to make complete reasoned moves in our life (might be because of time constraint); some of them seems to go through life without giving any reasoning, they seem to pass their entire life with the experiences they are collided with. (73.1, B6P30, 07/07/2016, Abstract Deduction)



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