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Origins And Evolution Of Human Language

Compound Syntax Of Language| 22/4/17: I seem to be using the certain number of same combination of words as suit for expressing conformations in reality. Aren’t these often used same combination of words/sounds (compound syntax) introduced from those in books and other’s spoken language? (22/4/17)

Free Of Grammar Rules| 5/2/17: Headings seem to not look odd despite not forming complete grammatical sentence. (5/2/17)

Evolution  Of Human Language| 3/2/17: Has the use of different rythm of sounds made the evolution of same sound with different slight modifications according to the ease needed for the used pattern of sound? (3/2/17)      
Does language evolve through slow adaptation of standard tone/rythm? (5/2/17)
Think on using simulation to know the evolution of languages, and even for the construction of optimal language. (3/2/17)
Experience Notion (EN)| I saw the origins of the word "Saccharide", which is given to be from Latin "Saccharum". In Kannada, for sugar the term "Sacchare" is used.  

Origin of Sounds/Words | 25/12/16: Sounds or words before, after seems to have come from the requirement of non-real-time description of the reality.
Sounds or words while...seem to have come from the requirement of describing the relations in the real world. (27/12/16)
Can you trace back the evolution of entire word groups of the language in this manner? (6/1/17)
Does the word however represent shallow exploration? (21/1/17)
Types Of Data And Their Search In Other Models Via Compressors| 7/2/17:
“Which” seems to indicate a type of data similar to “I, that”. Don’t these words represent compression? Aren’t these similar to short forms? Are short form (e.g. with the Initials representing a sequence of words) not that frequent occurring as those of the compressions “which, I, that”? Aren’t pronouns (any of a small set of words in a language that are used as substitutes for nouns or noun phrases and whose referents are named or understood in the context-from Merriam Webster) compressors? (5/2/17) 
Think on finding all the different data types (?) and then try using compressors/short-forms for their search in other context. (7/2/17)  
Language seems to involve representations of humans' internal sensing, along with external "sense organ" experiences. [experience: came up when reading the line of Kaye's review of Language, Thought and Consciousness: "Carruthers' book is an impressive attempt"; where book is an externally sensed experience part of thought, but impressive is humans' internal sensing of an experience, which indeed is also an experience] See concepts related to Proprioception. (71.9, B5P25, 15/07/2016)

Origins Of Different Meanings Of The Same Word| 26/1/17: Experience (E)| I was searching for the word, which was meaning a person speaking soft and of immature nature. I didn't find a exact word, but got the word "coy". I don't know whether that word means exactly the same. 
Thought (T)| It seems that different meaning to the same word occurs due to not-exact use of the same meaning given to the used word. (26/1/17)   

Words/Sounds Used For Harmony In The Sound Against Meaning| < 5/2/17: Experience (E)| Think on the use of “that” along with similar “it”, in the sentence (extracted from the article Board Games Reconsidered): “It seems that the distribution of mancala in the later period…”  
Experience| I was framing this sentence, “We need not go to college for applying special supplementary” where I could have used “…go to college to apply special supplementary”
For or To seem to be replaceable by either of the other when one of them is considered in certain sentences. Did these words/sounds evolve to eliminate the un-harmony caused by recurring usage of the same words? (16/5/17)
Arrangement Of The Parts Of The Reality In Sounds| 5/2/17: Experience (E)| In the sentence (extracted from the article Board Games Reconsidered), “Based on these data, it may be assumed that mancala…was interesting”, here “it” corresponds to the description given later in the sentence. What is the need of saying in this way rather than direct “Based on these data, mancala.… may be assumed interesting”? (5/2/17)   


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