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Evolution and Transition

Daughter branches of this section: 
Compound Step

Structure Evolved/Optimized For A Particular Utility Vs. Structure Evolved/Optimized For Multiple Utilities| 14/7/17; 21: Nothing yet…

Evolution Machine| 10/5/17: Nothing yet…
Evolution Speed| 10/5/17: Nothing yet…

Beginning And Ending As The Exploratory Ways| 3/4/17: Nothing yet…

Structures With No Origins Property| 3/4/17: Is it possible for there to be no origins for the structure? Is it possible for us to have now no exploratory way for other possibilities than origins? (Clarification required, 3/4/17)
Construction principle: Similar to the exploration of structures having no elements;

Artificial Evolution:
[Gen] Evolution With Pud And Evolution Without Pud| 5/3/17:
Natural Numbers’ sounds seems to have evolved from the experience. (Clarification required, 5/3/17)
Artificial Need | < 8/1/17: Nothing yet...
Miscellaneous| 13/11/16: Think more on artificial selection used to produce desired breed of animals. (13/11/16)
[Gen] Which Should Build The Path Structure: Need or Exploratory Way? | < 7/1/17:
This section might have notions which I got from Tobias Dantzig’s Number book; as I was not precise before, I haven’t tracked the origins properly. Whenever possible, I will try adding the origins notion.
Doesn't exploratory way has its structure built from its own needs? Think on this w.r.t usage of ready-made templates to blogger as the exploratory way and that of using coding to build one's own template. See whether there is a bias here. (15/1/17)
There seems to be exploratory way built without their own needs. Which are they? (19/6/17)
Isn’t exploratory-way (analogies?) an alien automation based on conformations in other considered case? (24/2/17/p3)
Link: Better algorithmic path (12/2/17/p4) > Principles 
Isn’t need driven path an alien automation based on the general conformation principle? (Clarification required, 24/2/17)
Is need an exploratory way? (29/3/17)  
Isn’t exploratory-way path looking crude by its accompany of all the other not-needed structures? 
Experience| I am using blogger, which is an automation/an exploratory way given to me, whose structures (posts, which I am not using now) may not be useful to me). (24/2/17)     
This seems to be going [Gen] against the use of analogies. How? (24/2/17) 
Exploratory ways seem to have other meaning than what analogy notion seems to be suggesting? I
am using exploratory-ways to check whether my situation can be explored in the way of the exploratory-way, or not. (Clarification required, 24/2/17)

Ease Systems| 22/2/17: Experience Notion| I didn’t have proper system to represent the principles behind the design of Analysis site; after creating a separate page for it, it has become easy to represent the principles behind all the structure. (Clarification required, 22/2/17)  
Determining The Permanence Of The Structure| < 22/2/17: What determines the permanence of the constructed structure? (22/2/17) 
Doesn’t the continuous utility and need determine the permanency? What if the optimal structure get created to fulfill the same need and utility, to destroy the past structure? Won’t that structure evolve out of the past structure itself? (Clarification required, 22/2/17)  
Ease In The Evolutionary Process| 19/2/17: Does every development happen with ease? Is there any need of forced changes in the process? (clarification required, 19/2/17) 
Experience| I was thinking on holding my notions with a representation (a forced one?), and was thinking on whether it is required or not, i.e. whether need is going to make the required representation possible. 
Representing the faint notions: Is it a forced one?| Does evolution represent faint notions automatically on the increase of its recurrence? [Gen] Can’t there be any helpful entity not recurring many times?    
Flexibility| < 7/2/17:  
Transitional Flexibility | 8/1/17: How to know the flexible system before evolution? (clarification needed, 8/1/17)
Can the flexible system exist before evolution? Think on this w.r.t evolution of representation in the coding-allowed-Blogger Vs. no-coding-allowed-Wordpress. (14/1/17)
Flexibility | 8/1/17: It seems to be the flexibility (capable of desired/beyond desire evolution under need, without compromisation?) of the evolved system, which is allowing greater progress from the new comers. (clarification required, 8/1/17) 
Smooth Flow| 2/2/17: If one comes in evolutionary order, nothing should seem to have got accepted forcefully, right? (< 2/2/17) 
Order Of Data| 22/1/17:
Effect Of Not-Known/Not-Attained Evolved Data On the Decision Taken In The Lower Stages Of Evolution| 22/1/17: Nothing yet...
Placing The Missing Block After Evolution| 21/1/17: Exploration Notion| Think on measuring the effects to the next data, constructed on the lower data, upon introduction of a new data in between the past data. (21/1/17)
Completing Evolution| < 24/1/17: Context| Knowing the evolution of certain cases via books.
Thoughts| When will you come to know about completing the experience on the evolutionary stages? And when will you get into next evolutionary stage? How do you measure them?
Evolutionary Elements| < 1/1/2017: Should I not miss any part of the evolutionary process?
Isn't every deviation contributing to the evolution necessary?  
How do you know about the deficiency of the deviation knowledge? Try setting up a deviation detecting system.

Pure Need Origins| 23/1/17: Nothing yet...          
Need Rate Vs. Principle Driven Action Rate Vs. Changes Rate| 17/1/17: Nothing yet (Clarification required)...   
Long Time Evolution Vs. Human Quick Need Evolution| 17/1/17: Notion Origins (NO)| I read an article on the origins of board games, and was thinking on whether board games were quick evolution of the humans according to their quick needs. (Clarification needed, 17/1/17) 
Are the forces driving quick evolution and the slow evolution of the same precision? (17/1/17)     

Evolutionary-Custom-Advantageous-Proof-Continuity| 16/1/17: Experience (E)| I thinking on the first intention of textbooks, on whether the builders of it wanted to hinder the understanding by hiding the evolution of the concept for the certain advantages they thought of, and whether that advantage has been forgotten or is of no value now, which our generation is following blindly. (clarification required, 16/1/17)  

Effects On The Meet Of Evolved And Un-evolved Structures| 15/1/17: Experience (E)| I used to speak with teachers, whose behaviour has evolved, and mine which might be still in the evolving stage. (15/1/17)  
Thoughts (T)| Would there be any problem? Explore this w.r.t the usual notion of bad effects from the merge of young age group with elder age group. (15/1/17) 
Evolutionary Systems | < 15/1/17:   
a) Miscellaneous| 15/1/17: Experiences (E)| I am using the tag line RTLP with each page associated with it, but I can also drop it. (15/1/17)
I have made changes often in short time in the evolving structure of this blog, and have observed the changes to be of no need or to come in need of a different change, making the before done work useless. (15/1/17)
Thought (T)| Should I leave most of changes undone until a clear need is observed? (15/1/17)
Is the evolved structure possible to be understood by the new comer? If it is the case, why does it take a long time to reach the structure? (B11P158, 15/1/17) 

b) Need of conscious construction of evolutionary systems | 15/1/17: Nothing yet...
c) Evolution in the system without any preference/competition for the selections available; Default/Simplest Template/Conformation | 15/1/17: Experience (E) | I was thinking on whether to put "|" adjacent to the words without any space before it being placed or not, right then I didn't know any advantage with either of them, and I was once leaving space, sometimes I wasn't. 
Thoughts (T)| Which conformation or arrangement should I make when under freedom of choice, should I use standard exploratory models in this case for optimality? (7/2/17)       
Exploratory Model Fit To The Need| 5/2/17:  
We seem to be using exploratory model without knowing on whether they are needed for us or not. Examples: We use mobile phones, they seem to contain more than or less than what we need; we are given standard blog templates, having no elements of our need or having certain elements of our need.       
Degree Of Exploratory Model Fit To The Need| 5/2/17: Nothing yet…
d) Ease Of Exploitation| 21/1/17: Explore this w.r.t defence factor. (22/1/17)  
e) Need Against Transition Vs. Flexibility For Transition (?)| < 21/1/17: Nothing yet...  
f) Ranges Of Needs| 24/1/17: Nothing yet... 

Should new things be approached in the evolutionary way? (8/1/17) 

Completing The Rooms Of Evolution | < 7/1/17: Nothing yet... 
Evolution With Compromisation Vs Evolution Without Compromisation |  > 28/12/16: Nothing yet... 
Microscopic Scale Evolution Principles | 27/12/16: Nothing yet... 
Is it never possible to attain transition? Why do you think it to be not possible? Some of them seem to have attained transition character (Have they?). How was that possible?  
College Portions = Evolution - Principles driving evolution?  

Isolated Evolutionary Threads| 02/1/17: Nothing yet...
Transformation: I need to start creating a mechanism, which can help bringing transformation by jumping the intermediate steps. Is it possible? For this I might need to create artificial environment [discoveries all depend on the surrounding environment, a train couldn't be discovered in Aristotle's period as there was no such environment, so to do of that kind, we might need to create something artificial which is not linked with the present gen environment (B1, <26/06/2016)], but the usual thought is, nothing can be created which is not connected with the environment, as every sensation is provided by the environment. Even if anything novel comes out, it must be a edited version of what is sensed from the surroundings. Imagination seems to play a part in constructing this artificial surroundings or experiences. (29/05/2016)

Everything you want to achieve is related to natural surroundings, why do you want artificial experience? (29/05/2016)

Artificial experience might provide more room for discoveries by eliminating the constraints. (03/06/2016)
Can't we say that the extreme edited version of surrounding natural experience to be somewhat  an artificial one? (29/05/2016)

Why I want these editions is, for making the process easier in achieving things. (29/05/2016) 
Why don't you read a book on imagination? (29/05/2016)
Past people couldn't do what the now-people are doing, because of them not having the pro-experience. I should search for books of any fiction or fantasy genre which can say on the future possibilities. (03/06/2016)

When the evolutionary stages are too brisk then the evolved stage seems to have come from a transition. (15/06/2016)

Can there be a developed stage without any evolutionary steps in between? (16/06/2016)

Mathematics can bring rapid changes, whether transformation or not, by using relations among the elements of the situation under consideration to create new elements in a non-evolutionary manner--because of the artificial usage of elements to make changes by ourselves rather than the naturally occurring evolutionary pathway. (24/06/2016)

Evolution seems to involve "survival of the fittest" as the principle or working mechanism to choose the better one to evolve and then optimize it naturally depending on the significance of the subject. But if we being conscious and even being given the access for alteration, we can cluster the elements (a step in mathematizing) of the case under focus, and then use better optimized configuration, which is nothing but what evolution does in a long time for any considered niche. but we can do the same faster in no time in comparison. This is somewhat a transition. (26/06/2016)
Evolutionary Blindness| Is there any possibility of me in need of something, and of which I am not coming to, in an evolutionary way? (B[ook]11P[age]78, 30/10/16)
The Best/Standard: How does one judge on anything as the best one?
Emergence of standard English from/among all other varieties might give exploratory way for the evolution of the best one in any domain. (26/11/16)
Does symmetry contributes to the sense of something being beautiful? Can asymmetry be also beautiful? (14/1/17)    

On Top of Evolution Principle: I don't know from where I might get experiences which might replace the evolutionary way as the best way. Does such a way exists? If yes, can one discover such unbelievable unknown exploratory ways in chess and go game. I think, I can use chess and go to simulate or support or verify the actions I am trying to say about, as expressed by the David Shenk, in his book Immortal Game. (05/11/16)
Progress from Compound Elements| How to make progress with the compound elements? (06/11/16)
Shortcut: Is there any other shortcut than following this origins order? Won't it be better to build shortcuts as you go through the stages? No, try searching the alternatives.
Evolutionary Learning: We need to find out that space of time during evolution, which brings out evolution. (27/05/2016)
Why evolutionary study is naturally inhibited in the present education system? (30/05/2016)
Don't you think evolution of elements to be more elemental? (30/05/2016)
If we come to know the evolution path of a concept, we will be able to discover it without any effort to learn it. (31/05/2016)
Can evolutionary development become an instinct? It seems after certain stage, any development will have more tendency to become automated. (1/06/2016) 
Evolution of any thought seems to need problems, to make the evolutionary development. (19/05/2016)     

What factors make one skip the thoughts of, say, Aristotle, without any much need? Most of the analysis is done with less experience. Are you then saying that the analysis done with less experience to be not at all needed for the fresh paradigm learners, as thinking with less experience is not much effective? As experience is relative in scale--i.e. we can say any quantity to be greater or lesser but only say w.r.t two quantities compared--if one goes up with a lot of experience, would present theories become as less useful as Aristotle's books? Old theories might seem circular in nature of their arguments for proving thoughts which seem to require no attention for the future gen folks, because of their much greater experience of important links. (14/06/2016)

Experience doesn't seem to fade away but analysis seems to fade away. This links with transformation. (14/06/2016)
Under evolutionary learning there seems no need of learning certain stages to discover the main theory. (14/06/2016)

Concepts seems to have evolutionary tracks independent of certain concepts existence or use. (18/06/2016)
Now I am able to differentiate between the act of learning and the act of applying the theory. The act of application needs to be up-to-date and should try to correspond to reality, whereas the act of learning a theory may involve using the out-of-date analysis, only to understand the theory and use its up-to-date format. Experience Credits: Vinay B.S. (B1P2, <14/06/2016)
If we can learn the evolutionary development of a concept, and then use this updated view to learn and modify the other concept which we are learning via evolutionary way, it would allow one to be more effective in learning. (<28/06/2016)
Using one evolved system to learn the evolution of other might help in more effective learning, but the problem is to know on which to evolved system to learn first. (B1P13, 28/06/2016)

Evolution Players Vs. Direct Transition Players:  One of the problem in the direct reading of paradigm, without knowing its evolution, seems to be the veiling of problems. (29/05/2016)

I can try to introduce a measure on the quantity of evolutionary content not required for the progress of present short-cut paradigm learners. (1/06/2016)

You see I don't know the origin of each and every word but I am using it, do you think I should know the origin of each and every word? If I know their origin, of course, I will have advantage of using them better, modifying them if necessary or even invent them or customize them for my required use. But for a person who uses language only for basic communication may not need to know the origin of each and every word, he might take pain to accept blindly the conventions, and leave all problems by skipping them whenever possible, showing facile nature. (1/06/2016)

Depending on the requirement, it seems that people either want to know the origin or may not want to know it. (1/06/2016)

Problems suffered by second-language learners seems to serve as the best model to show the effects of unorganized non-evolutionary learning. (27/05/2016)

[Gen] Even if I try to track all the evolutionary stages, do you think I will be able to know each and every intermediate developments? How much ever I try I might (will I) miss out certain developments, but whatever I get will help me move on. How can we be sure of not having left anything? This seems to be the same case with the direct transition players (DTP), who directly start with paradigms; although the difference between DTP and evolution players (EP), would be that DTP know lesser on the intermediate evolution steps than EP. (1/06/2016) 

I should find a mathematical measure on how much intermediate evolutionary forms knowledge is required to make move; it may not be quantitative knowledge, but the qualitative one which might determine the measure. (1/06/2016)
It seems all about principle breaking; ignorantly one may not be able to support oneself on the hurdle problems caused by the principle. But the principle seems to often crush most of the problems when the followers follow it. If anyone wants to say anything against, it seems important to say on principle and not the hurdles of it. (1/06/2016)

As in the case of sad "analogy", many many think it to be imperfect and not clever to use it. Many find it useful; others knowing only the face of imperfection, don't change their principle of not using it, but why do some of them use it? There must also be a positive side of it. Everyone should look up for it. (02/06/2016)
DTPs don't learn evolutionary developments. Those who start directly have seen something useful side of it, thus they follow that ecstasy. EPs follow the principle of not leaping in any manner, because of it being not clear for thinking and would look for them to be difficult to go on with it; they feel it to difficult to modify the paradigm, if needed. Even here there is a clash of positive and negative sides. The followers of both in most cases continue to do what they were doing, but never resolve the problem. (2/06/2016)

Never underestimate what others think to be right, they might have seen the face which you haven't seen. But, sometimes there might be clash between ecstasy and principle. Followers of both would have become slave, but they never try to become the master over-looker. (2/06/2016)

The follower of principle would claim to be clear in his reasoning, thus would not decline, but he will be unsatisfied for not tracking the problem of how the ecstasy parties are getting benefit without following principle, are they following principle? May be ignorantly they might be following a hidden principle of following what they "feel" to be not a dangerous route.  They might not be legal in practice (?) without following the principle, but they are moving ahead. (2/06/2016)

Learning Plan: Paradigms seem to be discoverable, you can now go on with analogies [general tools], Sherlock Holmes [experience for tackling problems] as a pudding in between the usual evolutionary study, with frequent search on creating math language. (07/06/2016)
I should take frequent breaks to check for best data than what I am receiving. (07/06/2016)
In between think more on the building of more optimized reading algorithm. (07/06/2016)
I need to quantify the amount of content read in a book that was useful for understanding the evolution of a subject, to understand my productivity. (07/06/2016)
I should make a measure on the usefulness of the concept being probed for understanding. Think whether the cost of attaining clarity by understanding an un-understood matter is worth or not. (08/06/2016)
I need to create math measure on how much depth a concept needs to be explored before trying for the more general one which can swallow the work of every other less general ones. (08/06/2016, clarification required) 

What gives license to us (does that?) to skip lot of history in the evolutionary learning of a subject like Physics, is that  those involve lot of thinking without lot of experience in the early phase of their development (?). (08/06/2016)
If I am not able to surf on the data --i.e. if I am not able to go smooth with data processing without any intellectual hurdles--to accomplish the solution of the problem, it might indicate a problem in the plan, thus a requirement of searching for skills. But, remember to search for solution by yourself before going elsewhere.(13/06/2016) 
Even after promising to come back later and learn back in evolutionary way in order for now to utilize time to try understanding the intermediate evolutionary stage of a concept taught in the college--as it should not go in vain--I fear that I will be "used" with concepts without questioning that when I try learning in the evolutionary way, I might not be able to investigate in a clear way. (15/06/2016)

Do you think you can ask all the possible questions when learning a concept? (15/06/2016)
You should keep in mind that the evolutionary development of Math is different from that of all other Science. (15/06/2016)
Why don't you also use college non-evolutionary concepts as the tool for understanding the evolutionary problems (like infinitesimals, etc.)? (16/06/2016)
Knowledge Order| 20/11/16: If none of the stages are missing in between the order of knowledge I choose to follow, then it seems to make the process of exploration as much easy as possible. (B11P91, 20/11/16)
Evolution of a Exploratory Way | 12/08/2016: Notion Experience Keywords: Experiments performed in a particular way leaving all other; theories of a particular logical pathway among many other.

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